De trein naar Londen is geboekt voor het jaarlijks SKBN Werkbezoek.
Van dinsdag 6 juni tot en met donderdag 8 juni zijn we in de Engelse hoofdstad.
Het programma (onder voorbehoud):
Morning day one
08.28 hrs Departure from Rotterdam Central Station
11.00 hrs Arrival at London St. Pancras International
Afternoon day one
11.30 hrs Arrival at NLA – The London Centre for general introduction
11.45 hrs Welcome to London by Federico Ortiz, Head of Content of NLA, London’s built environment community, and Jörn Peters, principal strategic planner London Plan & Growth Strategies Team, Greater London Authority (GLA)
12.00 hrs Introduction by Jörn Peters, principal strategic planner
London Plan & Growth Strategies Team and Yip Siu, senior project officer (North West Area Team) planning and regeneration, Greater London Authority (GLA), on:
• Diagnoses (decrease of industrial land);
• GLA’s policies to limit a further decrease of industrial land and industrial accommodation: protecting, intensification, co-location, substitution;
• Cooperation with local councils
Putting policy into practice
12.45 hrs Industrial intensification in East London
Introduction by David Harley, interim development director, Be First development company, a 100% subsidiary of the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (LBBD):
(to be included e.g. facilitating a shift from engines to filmstudio’s as a principal industry by assembling land, securing planning and recruiting studio builders/operators; land pressures on Barking Industrial Park/Riverside Industrial Estate; industrial intensification as a surviving strategy; developing Barking Industria as a showcase of innovative, stacked industrial development, with the support of GLA)
13.15 hrs Oversight of Greater London spatial developments over the New London Model, by Federico Ortiz
14.00 hrs Bus to Barking Industria, alongside the new film studio’s
Introduction by David Harley and architect, followed by a tour of the building:
• Meet and greet with architect
• Tour of the building
• Explanation about rental protocol
15.30 hrs Bus to the hotel
16.00 hrs Arrival at the hotel IBIS London Stratford
Check in
Free afternoon & evening
Morning day two
07.45 hrs Bus to CEME Innovation Centre, CEME Business Campus
08.30 hrs Arrival at CEME
Tea and/or coffee
08.45 hrs Tour of the campus (in 3 groups), alongside:
• Industrial workshops;
• Launchpad;
• Innovation center;
09.15 hrs CEME: a catalyst for economic regeneration
Welcome and introduction by Noorzaman Rashid, Chief Executive of CEME (Centre of Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence) Innovation Centre.
Overview of our strategy and purpose and key stakeholders we are working with local authorities, Thames Freeport and Thames Estuary Growth Board.
09.30 hrs Skills Development within the region
Tracey Wright, Director of Skills and Engagement
The CEME contribution and major projects such as our Business Growth Academy
09.45 hrs Creating a Hydrogen ecosystem in the SE
Helena Alexander, IKIGAI
The Living Lab concept, opportunities and challenges
10.00 hrs An emerging Hydrogen business at CEME
Frederick Davies MD Fusion Blue
Accelerating growth and business opportunities with the help of CEME
10.30 hrs Bus to The Trampery, Fish Island Village
11.15 hrs Introductions by
Jessica Roper, chief operating officer of The Trampery social enterprise
Alex Jeremy head of partnerships, Poplar HARCA housing association
Francesca Colloca, Head of Innovation – SHIFT and London Legacy Development Corporation
12.00 hrs Split group in two:
Group 1: Visit of Poplar Works
Group 2: Visit of Fish Island Village
13.00 hrs Lunch at Gotto Trattori
Afternoon day two
14.45 hrs Arrival at Camden Town Methodist Church
15.00 hrs Introduction by Hasanul Hoque, Operations Director of Camden Town Unlimited Business Improvement District: from district management to providing workspaces
... followed by a walk of the area
• The future of the high street
• Spaces for work and experiences
• Camden Green Loop
17.00 hrs End of day’s program.
Overground back to the hotel
18.45 hrs Gather in hotel lobby
Departure on foot for final dinner
Morning day three
Outbound journey
08.45 hrs Gather in hotel lobby and walk to Stratford Station
09.00 hrs Underground to St. Pancras International
09.30 hrs Arrival at St. Pancras International
11.04 hrs Train back to Rotterdam
15.32 hrs Arrival at Rotterdam Central Station
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